The biggest change in Lake Powell is its level. Before we shoved off we were told that the lake was rising 5 inches a day. Given the size of the lake this is a massive increase.
The photos above show one of our favorite campsites near Oak Canyon. The photo on the left was taken in June, 2007 and the one on the right this past trip in June, 2009. You can see how much the water has risen in the past two years. If you click on the images to see them in full size you'll see the house boats and get a better sense of scale of the rock formations in the canyon.
The fishing parties were quite successful almost every day which helped create a bit of variety in the prepared dinner menus.
At the end of the day, though, it was necessary to marshal the appropriate resources and prepare for the evening's festivities. Feeding 18 people does require a bit of work but the group was up for it with everyone taking turns with the various tasks. As you can see, it was just a we
We all had our own roles to play and it went off almost without a hitch. There was a bit of excitement as I landed the boat one evening in 40 mph winds to be followed the next morning with water as smooth as glass.
It was a great trip, it helped everyone unwind and we enjoyed, once again, one of the most beautiful places on the planet.